Hebrews 10:1-9

Coverdale(i) 1 For the lawe which hath but the shadowe off good thinges to come, and not the thinges in their awne fashion, can neuer by the sacrifices which they offer yeare by yeare continually, make the commers there vnto perfecte: 2 Els shulde they haue ceassed to haue bene offred, because that the offerers once pourged, shulde haue had nomore conscience of synnes. 3 Neuertheles in those sacrifices there is made but a remembraunce of synnes euery yeare. 4 For it is vnpossible yt the bloude of oxen and of goates shulde take awaye synnes. 5 Wherfore whan he commeth in to the worlde, he sayeth: Sacrifice & offerynge thou woldest not haue, but a body hast thou ordeyned me. 6 Burntofferynges and synneofferynges hast thou not alowed. 7 Then sayde I: Lo, I come. I the begynnynge of the boke it is wrytten of me, that I shulde do yi wyll O God. 8 Aboue wha he had sayde: Sacrifice and offerynge, and burntsacrifices & synofferynges thou woldest not haue, nether hast alowed (which yet are offered after ye lawe). 9 The sayde he: Lo, I come to do wil thy O God: there taketh he awaye the first, to stablysshe the latter: