Haggai 2:20-23

Coverdale(i) 20 Morouer the xxiiij. daye of the moneth came the worde of the LORDE vnto Aggeus agayne, sayenge: 21 Speake to Zorobabel the prynce of Iuda, and saye: I will shake both heauen and earth, 22 and ouerthrowe the seate of the kingdomes, yee & destroye the mightie kingdome of the Heithe. I wil ouerthrowe the charettes, and those that syt vpon them, so that both horse and man shal fall downe, euery man thorow his neghbours swerde. 23 And as for the, o Zorobabel (saieth the LORDE of hoostes) thou sonne of Salathiel, my seruaunt: I wil take the (saieth the LORDE) at the same tyme, and make the as a seale: for I haue chosen the, saieth the LORDE of hoostes.