Haggai 1:5-9

Coverdale(i) 5 Considre now youre owne wayes in youre hertes (saieth ye LORDE of hoostes) 6 ye sowe moch, but ye bringe litle in: Ye eate, but ye haue not ynough: ye drinke, but ye are not fylled: ye decke youre selues, but ye are not warme: & he yt earneth eny wage, putteth it in a broken purse. 7 Thus saieth the LORDE of hoostes: Cosidre youre owne wayes in youre hertes, 8 get you vp to the mountayne, fetch wod, & buylde vp the house: that it maye be acceptable vnto me, and that I maye shewe myne honoure, saieth the LORDE. 9 Ye loked for moch, and lo it is come to litle: & though ye brynge it home, yet do I blowe it awaye. And why so, saieth the LORDE of hoostes? Eue because that my house lyeth so waist, and ye renne euery man vnto his owne house.