Ezekiel 6:8-10

Coverdale(i) 8 Those yt amoge you haue escaped the swearde, will I leaue amonge the Gentiles, for I will scatre you amonge the nacions. 9 And they that escape from you, shall thinke vpon me amonge the heithen, where they shalbe in captiuyte. As for that whorish and vnfaithfull herte of theirs, wherwith they runne awaye fro me, I will breake it: yee & put out those eyes off theirs, that committe fornicacion with their Idols. Then shall they be ashamed, and displeased with their selues, for the wickednesses ad abhominacions, which they haue done: 10 and shal lerne to knowe, how that it is not in vayne, that I the LORDE spake, to bringe soch mysery vpon them.