Ezekiel 33:11-20

Coverdale(i) 11 Tell them: As truly as I lyue (saieth the LORDE God) I haue no pleasure in the death off the wicked, but moch rather that the wicked turne from his waye and lyue. Turne you, turne you from yor vngodly wayes, o ye off the house off Israel. Oh, wherfore will ye dye? 12 Thou sonne off man, tell the children off thy people: The rightuousnes of the rightuous shall not saue him, whan so euer he turneth awaye vnfaithfully: Agayne, the wickednesse of the wicked shal not hurte him, whan so euer he conuerteth from his vngodlynesse: And ye rightuousnesse of the rightuous shal not saue his life, when so euer he synneth. 13 Yff I saye vnto the rightuous, that he shall surely lyue, and so he trust to his owne rightuousnesse, and do synne: then shall his rightuousnesse be nomore thought vpon, but in the wickednesse that he hath done, he shall dye. 14 Agayne, yff I saye to the wicked: thou shalt surely dye: and so he turne fro his synnes, and do the thinge that is laufull and right: 15 In so moch that the same wicked ma geueth the pledge agayne, restoreth that he had taken awaye by robbery, walketh in the comaundementes off life, and doth no wroge: Then shall he surely lyue, and not dye. 16 Yee the synnes that he had done, shal neuer be thought vpon: For in so moch as he doth now the thynge that is laufull and right, he shall lyue. 17 And yet the children off thy people saye: Tush, the waye of the LORDE is not right, where as their owne waye is rather vnright. 18 When the rightuous turneth from his rightuousnesse, and doeth the thynge that is wicked, he shall dye therfore. 19 But yf the wicked turne from his wickednesse, doinge the thinge that is laufull and right, he shall lyue therfore. 20 Yet ye saye: the waye of ye LORDE is not equall. O ye house of Israel, I wil iudge euery one of you after his wayes.