Ezekiel 29:8-12

Coverdale(i) 8 Therfore, thus sayeth the LORDE: God: beholde, I will brynge a swearde vpon the, and rote out of the both man and beest. 9 Yee the londe of Egipte shalbe desolate and waist, & they shal knowe, that I am the LORDE: Because he sayde: the water is mine, I my self haue made it. 10 Beholde therfore, I wil vpon the, & vpon thy waters: I will make the londe off Egipte waist and desolate, from the towre of Syenes vnto the borders of the Morias londe: 11 so that in xl. yeares there shall no fote off man walke there, nether fote of catell go there, nether shal it be inhabited. 12 I wil make the londe of Egipte to be desolate amonge other waist countrees, and her cities to lye voyde xl. yeares, amonge other voyde cities: And I wil scatre the Egipcians amonge the Heithen and nacions.