Ezekiel 25:1-11

Coverdale(i) 1 The worde of the LORDE came vnto me, sayenge: 2 Thou sonne of man, set thy face agaynst ye Ammonites, prophecy vpon them, 3 and saye vnto the Ammonites: Heare the worde off the LORDE God, Thus saieth the LORDE God: For so moch as thou speakest ouer my Sanctuary: A ha, I trow it be now suspended: and ouer the londe of Israel, I trow it be now desolate: yee ad ouer the house of Iuda, I trow they be now led awaye presoners: 4 Beholde, I will delyuer ye to the people of the east, yt they maye haue the in possession: these shal set their castels and houses in the. They shall eate thy frute, and drynke vp thy mylcke. 5 As for Rabath, I wil make of it a stall for camels, and of Ammon a shepefolde: and ye shal knowe, that I am the LORDE. 6 For thus saieth the LORDE God: In so moch as thou hast clapped with thine hondes, and stamped with thy fete, yee reioysed in thine herte ouer the londe of Israel with despyte: 7 beholde, I wil stretch out myne hode ouer the also, and delyuer the, to be spoyled off the Heithen, and rote the out from amonge the people, and cause the be destroyed out off all londes: yee I will make the be layed waist, that thou mayest knowe, that I am the LORDE. 8 Thus saieth ye LORDE God: For so moch as Moab and Seir do saye: As for the house off Iuda, it is but like as all other Getiles be: 9 Therfore beholde, I will make the cities off Moab weapenlesse, and take awaye their strength: their cities and chefe coastes off their londe, which are the pleasures off the countre: As namely. Betiesimoth, Baalmeo and Cariathaim: 10 these will I open vnto the off the east, yt they maye fall vpon the Ammonites: and will geue it them in possession: so that the Ammonites shal no more be had in remebraunce amonge the Heithen. 11 Euen thus will I punysh Moab also, that they maye knowe, how that I am the LORDE.