Exodus 19:12-19

Coverdale(i) 12 And set markes rounde aboute the people, and saye vnto them: Bewarre, that ye go not vp in to ye mount, ner touch ye border of it. For whosoeuer toucheth ye mout, shal dye ye death. 13 There shal no hade touch it, but he shall either be stoned, or shot thorow: whether it be beest or man, it shal not lyue. Whan the horne bleweth, then shal they come vp vnto the mounte. 14 Moses wente downe from the mount vnto the people, and sanctified them. And they wasshed their clothes. 15 And he sayde vnto them: Be ready agaynst the thirde daye, and no man come at his wife. 16 Now whan the thirde daye came (and it was early) it beganne to thonder and lighten, and there was a thicke cloude vpon the mount, and a noyse of a trompet exceadinge mightie. And the people that were in the tentes, were afrayde. 17 And Moses brought the people out of the tentes to mete wt God, and they stode vnder the mount. 18 But all mount Sinai smoked, because ye LORDE came downe vpo it with fyre. And the smoke therof wente vp as the smoke of a fornace, so that the whole mount was exceadinge terrible. 19 And the noyse of the trompet wete out, and was mightie. Moses spake, & God answered him loude.