Esther 8:3-6

Coverdale(i) 3 And Hester spake yet more before the kynge, and fell downe at his fete, & besought him, that he wolde put awaye the wyckednes of Aman the Agagite, and his deuice that he had ymagined against ye Iewes. 4 And the kynge helde out the golden cepter vnto Hester. Then rose Hester, and stode before the kynge, 5 and sayde: Yf it please the kynge, and yf I haue foude grace in his sight, & yf it be couenyent for the kinge, and yf it be accepted in his sighte, then let it be wrytte, yt the letters of the deuyce of Ama the sonne of Amadathai the Agagite, maie be called agayne: which letters he wrote, to destroie ye Iewes in all ye kynges lodes. 6 For how can I se the euell that shal happe vnto my people? and how can I loke vpon the destruction of my kynred?