Ephesians 3:1-8

Coverdale(i) 1 For this cause I Paul am a presoner of Iesus Christ for you Heythen, 2 acordinge as ye haue herde of ye office of the grace of God which is geuen me to you warde. 3 For by reuelacion was this mystery shewed vnto me, as I wrote aboue in fewe wordes: 4 wherby whan ye rede it, ye maye perceaue myne vnderstondynge in ye mystery of Christ, 5 which (mystery) in tymes past was not opened vnto the childre of me as it is now declared to his holy Apostles and prophetes by the sprete: namely, 6 that the Heythen shulde be inheritours also, and of the same body, and partakers of his promes in Christ by the Gospell, 7 wherof I am made a mynister acordynge to the gifte of the grace of God, which is geue me acordinge to the workynge of his power. 8 Vnto me the leest of all sayntes is this grace geuen, that I shulde preach amonge the Heythe ye vnsearcheable riches of Christ,