Deuteronomy 6:1-6

Coverdale(i) 1 These are the commaundementes, ordinaunces & lawes which ye LORDE yor God hath comaunded, yt ye shulde lerne them, & do them, in the londe whyther ye go to possesse it, 2 that thou mayest feare the LORDE yi God, & kepe all his ordinauces & commaundementes, which I commaunde the, thou and yi children, and yi childers children all ye dayes of youre life, that ye maye lyue loge. 3 Thou shalt heare (O Israel) & take hede, yt thou do therafter, yt it maye go well with ye, & that thou mayest multiplye greatly, as ye LORDE God of yi fathers hath promysed the a londe yt floweth wt mylke & hony. 4 Heare O Israel, the LORDE oure God is one LORDE onely. 5 And thou shalt loue the LORDE thy God wt all thy hart, with all yi soule, & with all thy mighte. 6 And these wordes, which I commaude the this daie, shalt thou take to hert,