Daniel 6:10-28

Coverdale(i) 10 Now when Daniel vnderstode that the wrytynge was made, he wente in to his house: and the wyndowes of his hall towarde Ierusalem stode open. There kneled he downe vpon his knees, thre tymes a daye: there he made his peticion, and praysed his God, like as his maner was to do afore tyme. 11 Then these men made searche, and founde Daniel makynge his peticion, and prayenge vnto his God. 12 So they came to the kynge, and spake before him concernynge his commaundement, sayenge: O kynge, hast thou not subscribed the statute, that within xxx. dayes who so requyreth his peticion off eny god or man, but only of thy self, o kynge: he shalbe cast in to the denne of the Lyons? The kynge answered, ad sayde: yee, it is true. It must be as a lawe of ye Medes and Perses, that maye not be broken. 13 Then answered they, and sayde vnto the kynge: Daniel one of the presoners of Iuda (O kynge) regardeth nether the ner thy statute, that thou hast made, but maketh his peticion thre tymes a daye. 14 When the kynge herde these wordes, he was sore greued, and wolde haue excused Daniel, to delyuer him, and put off the matter, vnto the Sonne wete downe, to the intent that he might saue him. 15 These men perceauynge the kynges mynde, sayde vnto him: knowe this (o kynge) that the lawe off the Medes and Perses is, that the commaundement and statute which the kynge maketh, maye not be altered. 16 Then the kynge bad them brynge Daniel, and they cast him in to the Lyons denne. The kynge also spake vnto Daniel, ad sayde: Thy God, whom thou allwaye seruest, euen he shall defende the. 17 And there was brought a stone, and layed vpon the hole of the denne: this the kynge sealed with his owne rynge, and with ye signet of his prynces: that the kynges commaundement concernynge Daniel, shulde not be broken. 18 So the kynge wente in to his palace, and kepte him sober all night, so that there was no table spred before him, nether coude he take eny slepe. 19 But be tymes in the mornynge at the breake off the daye, the kynge arose, and wente in all haist vnto the denne off the Lyons. 20 Now as he came nye vnto ye dene, he cried wt a piteous voyce vnto Daniel: Yee ye kige spake, and sayde vnto Daniel: O Daniel, thou seruaunt off the lyuynge God, Is not thy God (whom thou allwaye seruest) able to delyuer the from the lyons? 21 Daniel sayde vnto the kynge: O kynge, God saue thy life for euer: 22 My God hath sent his angel, which hath shut the lyons mouthes, so that they might not hurte me. For why: myne vngiltynesse is founde out before him. And as for the (o kynge) I neuer offended the. 23 Then was the kynge exceadinge glad, ad commaunded to take Daniel out off the denne. So Daniel was brought out of the dene, and no maner of hurte was founde vpo him For he put his trust in his God. 24 And as for those men which had accused Daniel, the kige commaunded to bringe them, and to cast them in the lyons denne: them, their children and their wyues. So the lyons had the mastry of them, and brake all their bones a sonder, or euer they came at the grounde. 25 After this, wrote kynge Darius vnto all people, kynreddes and tunges, that dwelt in all londes: peace be multiplied with you: 26 My commaundement is, in all my dominio and kyngdome, that men feare and stonde in awe off Daniels God: For he is the lyuinge God, which abydeth euer: his kyngdome shall not fayle, and his power is euerlastynge. 27 It is he that delyuereth, and saueth: he doth wonders and maruelous workes, in heauen and in earth: he hath preserued. Daniel from the power of the lyons. 28 This Daniel prospered in the raigne off Darius and Cirus of Persia.