Daniel 5:25-31

Coverdale(i) 25 And this is the scripture, that is written vp: Mane, Thetel, Phares. 26 Now the interpretacion off the thynge is this: Mane, God hath nombred thy kyngdome, and brought it to an ende: 27 Thetel, Thou art weyed in the balaunce, and art founde to light: 28 Phares, Thy kyngdome is delt in partes, and geuen to the Medes and Perses. 29 Then commaunded Balthasar, to cloth Daniel with purple, to hange a cheyne off golde aboute his necke, and to make a proclamacion concernynge him: that he shulde be the ruler off the thirde parte off his kyngdome. 30 The very same night was Balthasar the kynge off the Caldees slayne, 31 and Darius out of Media toke in the kyngdome, beynge lxij. yeare off age.