Acts 9:32-43

Coverdale(i) 32 It chaunced that as Peter walked thorow all quarters, he came also vnto ye sayntes which dwelt at Lydda. 33 There founde he a man named Eneas, which had lyen vpon his bedd eight yeares sicke of ye palsye. 34 And Peter sayde vnto him: Eneas, Iesus Christ make the whole, aryse, and make thy bedd for yi self. And he arose immediatly. 35 And all they that dwelt at Lydda and at Sarona, sawe him, and turned vnto the LORDE. 36 At Ioppa there was a certayne woman that was a disciple, named Tabitha, which by interpretacion is called Dorcas: ye same was full of good workes and almesse dedes, which she dyd. 37 But it chaunced at the same tyme, that she was sicke, and dyed. Then wasshed they her, and layed her in a chaber. 38 But for so moch as Lydda was nye vnto Ioppa, and the disciples herde that Peter was there, they sent two men vnto him, and desyred him, yt he wolde take it for no grefe to come vnto them. 39 Peter rose, and came with the. And wha he was come, they broughte him in to the chamber, and all the wyddowes stode rounde aboute him, wepynge, and shewed him the cotes and garmetes, which Dorcas made whyle she was with them. 40 And wha Peter had put them all forth, he kneled downe, made his prayer, and turned him vnto the body, and sayde: Tabitha, ryse vp. And she opened hir eyes: and whan she sawe Peter she sat hir downe agayne. 41 But he gaue her the hande, and lifte her vp, and called the sayntes and the wedowes, and shewed her there alyue. 42 And it was knowne thorow out all Ioppa, & many beleued on ye LORDE. 43 And it fortuned, yt he taried a loge season at Ioppa by one Simo, which was a tanner.