Acts 8:27-39

Coverdale(i) 27 And he rose, and wente on. And beholde, a ma of the Morians lode (a chamberlayne and of auctorite with Candace ye quene of the londe of the Morians) which had the rule of all hir treasuries, ye same came to Ierusale to worshipe. 28 And returned home agayne, and satt vpon his charet, and red the prophet Esay. 29 The sprete sayde vnto Philippe: Go neare, and ioyne thy selfe to yonder charet. 30 The ranne Philippe vnto him, and herde him rede the prophet Esay, and sayde: Vnderstodest thou what thou readest? 31 He sayde: How can I, excepte some ma enfourme me?And he desyred Philippe, that he wolde come vp, and syt with him. 32 The tenoure of the scripture which he red, was this: He was led as a shepe to be slayne, and as a lambe voycelesse before his sherer, so opened he not his mouth. 33 In his humblenesse is his iudgment exalted. Who shal declare his generacion? for his life is taken awaye from the earth. 34 Then answered the chamberlayne vnto Philippe, and sayde: I praye the, of whom speaketh the prophet this? of himselfe, or of some other man? 35 Philippe opened his mouth, and beganne at this scripture, and preached him the Gospell of Iesus. 36 And as they wete on their waye, they came to a water. And the chamberlayne sayde: Beholde, here is water, what hyndereth me to be baptysed? 37 Philippe sayde: Yf thou beleue from thy whole herte, thou mayest. He answered, and sayde: I beleue, that Iesus Christ is the sonne of God. 38 And he commaunded to holde styll the charet, and they wente downe in to the water, both Philippe and the chamberlayne. And he baptysed him. 39 But whan they were come vp out of the water, the sprete of the LORDE toke Philippe awaye. And the Chamberlayne sawe him nomore. But he wente on his waye reioysinge.