Acts 7:2-6

Coverdale(i) 2 He sayde: Deare brethren and fathers, herken to, The God of glorye appeared vnto or father Abraha, whyle he was yet in Mesopotamia, before he dwelt in Haran, 3 and sayde vnto him: Get ye out of thy coutre, and fro thy kynred, and come into a londe which I wil shewe ye. 4 The wente he out of the lande of the Caldees, and dwelt in Haran. And from thece, whan his father was deed, he brought him ouer in to this londe (where ye dwell now) 5 and gaue him no enheritauce therin, no not ye bredth of a fote: and promysed him, that he wolde geue it him to possesse, and to his sede after him, whan as yet he had no childe. 6 But thus sayde God vnto him: Thy sede shalbe a straunger in a straunge londe, and they shal make bonde men of them, and intreate the euell foure hundreth yeares: