2 Kings 13:22-25

Coverdale(i) 22 So Hasael the kynge of Syria oppressed Israel, as longe as Ioahas lyued. 23 But the LORDE was gracious vnto them, and had mercy vpon them, and turned him to them for his couenauntes sake, with Abraham, Isaac and Iacob, and wolde not destroye the nether dyd he cast them out from his presence vnto this houre. 24 And Hasael the kinge of Syria dyed, and Benadad his sonne was kynge in his steade. 25 But Ioas turned backe, and toke out of the hande of Benadad the sonne of Hasael the cyties which he had take in battaill out of the hande of his father Ioahas: Thre tymes dyd Ioas smyte him, and broughte the cities of Israel agayne.