2 Chronicles 2:10-15

Coverdale(i) 10 And beholde, I wyl geue vnto the carpenters thy seruauntes which hewe the tymber, twetye thousande quarters, of beaten wheate, and twentye thousande quarters of barlye, and twentye thousande Batthes of wyne, and twentye thousande Batthes of oyle. 11 Then sayde Hiram the kynge of Tyre by wrytinge, and sent it vnto Salomon: Because the LORDE loueth his people, therfore hath he made ye to be kynge ouer them. 12 And Hiram sayde morouer: Praysed be ye LORDE God of Israel, which made heauen earth, that he hath geue kynge Dauid a wyse and prudent sonne, and soch one as hath vnderstondinge to buylde an house vnto the LORDE, & an house for his realme. 13 Therfore sende I now a wyse man that hath vnderstondynge, euen Hiram Abi 14 (which is the sonne of a woman of the doughters of Dan, and his father was of Tyre) which can worke in golde, syluer, brasse, yron, stone, tymber, scarlet, yalowe sylke, lynnen, purple and to carue all maner of thinges, and to make what conynge thinge so euer is geuen him, with thy wyse men, and with the wyse men of my lorde kynge Dauid yi father. 15 And now let my lorde sende the wheate, barlye, oyle and wyne vnto his seruautes, acordinge as he hath sayde,