2 Chronicles 23:4-9

Coverdale(i) 4 This is it therfore yt ye shal do: The thirde parte of you that entre on the Sabbath, shalbe amonge the prestes & Leuites, which are dorekepers at the thresholdes: 5 & one thirde parte in the kynges house, and one thirde parte at the grounde porte. But all the people shalbe in the courtes of the house of the LORDE, 6 and that no man go in to the house of the LORDE, excepte the prestes and Leuites that mynister there, they shal go in: for they are halowed. And let all ye people wayte vpon the LORDE. 7 And the Leuites shal get them rounde aboute ye kynge, euery one with his weapen in his hande. And who so els goeth in to ye house, let him dye. And they shall be wt the kynge wha he goeth out & in. 8 And the Leuites & all Iuda dyd as Ioiada ye prest had commaunded, and euery one toke his men that entred on the Sabbath, wt those yt wente of on the Sabbath: for Ioiada ye prest suffred not those two companies to parte asunder. 9 And Ioiada ye prest gaue the captaynes ouer hundreds speares & shyldes, and kynge Dauids weapens, which were in the house of God,