1 Kings 14:7-14

Coverdale(i) 7 Go thy waye and tell Ieroboam: Thus sayeth ye LORDE God of Israel: I haue exalted the from amonge the people, and set the to be prynce ouer my people of Israel, 8 and haue rente the kyngdome from the house of Dauid, and geuen it the. But thou hast not bene as my seruaunt Dauid, which kepte my commaundemetes, and walked after me with all his hert, so that he did onely ye thinge that was righte in my sighte: 9 and thou hast done worse then all they that haue bene before the: thou hast gone thy waye and made the other goddes, and molten ymages, to prouoke me vnto wrath, and hast cast me behynde thy backe. 10 Beholde therfore, I wil brynge mysfortune vpon the house of Ieroboam, and wyl rote out from Ieroboam eue him that maketh water agaynst the wall, the presoner and forsaken in Israel: and the posterite of ye house of Ieroboam wyll I swepe out, as donge is swepte out, tyll he be cleane broughte to naught. 11 He that dieth (of Ieroboam) in the cite, the dogges shal eate him vp. But him yt dyeth in the felde, shall the foules of the aire eat vp, for the LORDE hath spoken it. 12 Get the vp therfore, and go home, & whan thy fete enter in to ye cite, the childe shal dye. 13 And all Israel shal bewayle him, and burye him. For he onely of Ieroboam shal come to the graue, because there is some good founde in him before the LORDE God of Israel, in Ieroboams house. 14 But the LORDE shall rayse him vp a kynge, which shal rote out ye house of Ieroboam in that daie. And what is it, yt is now in hande all ready?