1 Corinthians 8:7-13

Coverdale(i) 7 But euery man hath not knowlege: for some make yet consciece ouer the Idoll, and eate it as a thinge offred vnto Idols: and so their conscience beynge weake, is defyled. 8 Neuertheles meate furthureth not vs vnto God. Yf we eate, we shal not therfore be the better: yf we eate not, we shal not therfore be the lesse. 9 But take hede that this youre liberty be not an occasion of fallynge vnto ye weake. 10 For yf eny man se the (which hast knowlege) syt at the table in the Idols house, shal not his conscience whyle it is weake, be occasioned to eate of the Idoll offeringes? 11 And so thorow thy knowlege shal the weake brother perishe, for who Christ dyed. 12 But whan ye synne so agaynst the brethren, and wounde their weake coscience, ye synne agaynst Christ. 13 Wherfore yf meate offende my brother, I wyl neuer eate flesh, lest I offende my brother.