1 Corinthians 7:1-6

Coverdale(i) 1 As concernynge the thinges wherof ye wrote vnto me, I answere: It is good for a man not to touche a woman. 2 Neuertheles to avoyde whordome, let euery man haue his awne wife, and let euery woman haue hir awne hussbande. 3 Let the ma geue vnto the wife due beneuolence: likewyse also the wife vnto ye man. 4 The wife hath not power ouer hir awne body, but the hussbande: & likewyse the man hath not power ouer his awne body, but the wife. 5 Withdrawe not yor selues one fro another, excepte it be with the consent of both for a tyme, that ye maye geue youre selues vnto fastinge and prayer, and the come together agayne, lest Sathan tempte you for yor incontynecye. 6 But this I saye of fauoure, and not of commaundemet.