1 Chronicles 28:10-21

Coverdale(i) 10 Take hede now, for the LORDE hath chosen the, to buylde an house to be the Sactuary: be stronge, and make it. 11 And Dauid gaue Salomon his sonne a patrone of the Porche, and of his house, and of the celles and perlers and ynnermer chabers, and of the house of the Mercyseate, 12 & of all that he had in his mynde, namely of the courte of the LORDES house, and of all the oratories rounde aboute the treasures in ye house of God, and of the treasures of soch thinges as were halowed, 13 of the ordinaunces of the prestes, and Leuites, and of all ye busynesse of the offyces in the house of the LORDE. 14 Golde (gaue he him) after ye golde weight for all maner of vessels of euery offyce, and all siluer ornamentes after the weight for all maner of vessell of euery offyce: 15 and weight for the golden candilstickes and golden lampes, for euery candilstycke and his lampes his weight: likewyse for the siluer candilstickes gaue he the weight to the candilsticke & his lampes, acordynge as was requyred for euery candilstycke. 16 He gaue golde also for ye tables of the shewbred, for euery table his weight: and syluer lykewise for the syluer tables. 17 And pure golde for the fleshokes, basens and censors: and for the golden cuppes, vnto euery cuppe his weight: and for the siluer cuppes, vnto euery cuppe his weighte: 18 and for the altare of incense his weighte, of the most pure golde. And a patrone of the charett of the golden Cherubins, that they mighte sprede out them selues, and couer the Arke of the couenaunt of the LORDE. 19 All this is geuen me in wrytinge of the hande of the LORDE, to make me vnderstonde all the workes of the patrone. 20 And Dauid sayde vnto Salomo his sonne: Be thou manly and stronge, and make it, feare not, and be not fayntharted, the LORDE God my God shal be with the, and shall not withdrawe his hande, ner fayle the, tyll thou haue fynished euery worke for the seruyce in the house of the LORDE. 21 Beholde, the courses of the prestes and Leuites to all the offyces in the house of God are with the in euery worke, and are willinge, and haue wisdome to all the offyces: and so haue the prynces and all the people for euery thinge that thou hast to do.