1 Chronicles 23:24-32

Coverdale(i) 24 These are the children of Leui amonge their fathers houses, and the chefest of the fathers, which were counted after the nombre of ye names heade by heade: which executed the worke of the offices in the house of the LORDE from thirtie yeare olde & aboue. 25 For Dauid sayde: The LORDE God of Israel hath geuen his people rest, & shall dwell at Ierusalem for euer. 26 Amonge ye Leuites also were the childre of Leui nombred from thirtie yeare olde and aboue, that they neded not to beare ye Habitacion with all the vessels of their office, 27 but acordinge to ye last wordes of Dauid, 28 yt they shulde stonde vnder the hande of the children of Aaron, to mynister in the house of the LORDE in the courte, and to the chestes, and for purifyenge, and to all maner of sanctifyenge, and to euery worke of the office in the house of God. 29 And for ye shewbred, for the fyne floure, for the meatoffrynge, for the vnleuended wafers, for the pannes, for ye fryenge, and for all maner of weight and measure. 30 And in the mornynge to stonde for to geue thankes and to prayse the LORDE, and in the euenynge likewyse. 31 And vpon all Sabbathes, Newmones and feastes to offre all the burntofferynges vnto the LOROE, acordinge to the nombre and ordre, allwaye before the LORDE: 32 to wayte vpon the Tabernacle of witnesse and of the Sactuary, and vpon their brethre the children of Aaron, to mynister in the house of the LORDE.