Sirach 40

Bishops(i) 1 A great trauaile is created for all men, and an heauy yoke vpon all the sonnes of Adam, from the day that they go out of their mothers wombe, till they be buried in [the earth] the mother of all thinges. 2 [namely] their thoughtes and imaginations, feare of the heart, counsel, meditations, longing & desire, the day of death: 3 From the hyghest that sitteth vpon the glorious seate, vnto the lowest and most simple vpon the earth: 4 From him that is gloriously arayde and weareth a crowne, vnto him that is but homely and simplie clothed. 5 There is nothing but wrath, zeale, fearefulnesse, vnquietnesse, and feare of death, rigorousnes, anger, & stryfe: And in the night when one shoulde rest and sleepe vpon his bed, the sleepe chaungeth his vnderstanding and knowledge. 6 A litle or nothing is his rest in the sleepe, aswel as in the day of labour: He feareth & is disquieted in the vision of his heart, as one that runneth out of a battayll. 7 And in the time of health he awaketh, and maruayleth that the feare was nothing. 8 Such thinges happen vnto all fleshe, both man and beast: but seuen folde to the vngodly. 9 Moreouer, death, bloodshedding, strife, and sworde, oppression, hunger, destruction, and punishement: 10 These thinges are all created against the vngodly, and for their sakes came the fludde also. 11 All that is of the earth, shall turne to earth againe, and al waters ebbe againe into the sea. 12 All bribes and vnrighteousnesse shalbe put away: but faythfulnesse and trueth shall endure for euer. 13 The substaunce and goodes of the vngodly shalbe dryed vp, and sinke away as a water fludde, & they shal make a sound like a great thunder in the rayne. 14 Like as the righteous reioyceth when he openeth his hande: so shall the transgressours be faynt when their goodes vanishe and consume away. 15 The children of the vngodly shal not obtayne many braunches: 16 And the vncleane rootes vpon the hye rockes, shalbe rooted out before the grasse by the water side, & vpon the riuer bankes. 17 Frendlinesse and liberalitie in the increase & blessing of God, is like a paradise and garden of pleasure: such mercie also and kindnesse endureth for euer. 18 To labour and to be content with that a man hath, is a sweete pleasaunt life: and that is, to finde a treasure of al treasures. 19 To beget children and to repayre the citie, maketh a perpetuall name: but an honest woman is more worth then they both. 20 Wine and minstrelsie reioyceth the heart: but the loue of wysdome is aboue them both. 21 Pyping and harping make a sweete noyse: but a friendly tongue goeth beyonde them both. 22 Thyne eye desireth fauour and beautie: but a greene seede time, rather then they both. 23 A friende and companion come together at oportunitie: but aboue them both is a wyfe that agreeth with her husbande. 24 Brethren and helpes are profitable in time of trouble: but almes shal deliuer more then they both. 25 Golde and siluer fasten the feete: but a good counsell is more pleasaunt then they both. 26 Temporal substaunce and strength lift vp the minde: but the feare of the Lord, more then they both: The feare of the Lorde wanteth nothing, and needeth no helpe. 27 The feare of the Lorde is a pleasaunt garden of blessing, and nothing so beautifull as it is. 28 My sonne leade not a beggers lyfe: for better it were to die then to begge. 29 The life of hym that loketh vpon an other mans table, is not to be counted for a life, for he vexeth his soule in other mens meate: but a wyse and well nurtured man will beware therof. 30 Begging is sweete in the mouth of the vnshamefast: but in his belly there burneth a fire.