Psalms 114

Bishops(i) 1 When Israel came out of Egypt: & the house of Iacob from among the barbarous people 2 Iuda was his holynesse: and Israel his dominion 3 The sea sawe that and fled: Iordane was driuen backe 4 The mountaynes skypped lyke rammes: and the litle hilles like young lambes 5 What ayleth thee O thou sea that thou fleddest? and thou Iordane that thou wast driuen backe 6 Ye mountaines what [ayled] you that ye skipped lyke rammes: and ye litle hilles like young lambes 7 Tremble thou earth at the presence of the Lorde: at the presence of the Lorde of Iacob 8 Whiche turned the harde rocke into a standing water: and the flint stone into a springing well of waters