Luke 9:57-10:16

Bishops(i) 57 And it came to passe, that as they went walkyng in the way, a certayne man sayde vnto hym: I wyll folowe thee Lorde whyther so euer thou go 58 And Iesus sayde vnto hym: Foxes haue holes, and byrdes of the ayre haue nestes: but the sonne of man, hath not where to lay his head 59 And he sayde vnto another, folowe me. And the same sayde: Lorde, suffer me first to go and burie my father 60 Iesus sayde vnto hym, Let the dead burie their dead: but go thou & preache the kyngdome of God 61 And another sayde: Lorde I wyll folowe thee, but let me first go byd them farewell, which are at home at my house 62 Iesus sayde vnto hym: No man that putteth his hande to the plowe, and loketh backe, is apt to the kyngdome of God 10 1 After these thynges, the Lorde appoynted other seuentie also, and sent them two and two before hym, into euery citie and place, whyther he hym selfe woulde come 2 Therefore sayde he vnto them: The haruest is great, but the labourers are fewe. Pray ye therfore the Lorde of the haruest, to sende foorth labourers into his haruest 3 Go your wayes: beholde, I sende you foorth as lambes among wolfes 4 Beare no wallet, neither scrippe, nor shoes, & salute no man by the way 5 Into whatsoeuer house ye enter, first say, peace be to this house 6 And yf the sonne of peace be there, your peace shall rest vpon hym: yf not, it shall turne to you agayne 7 And in the same house tary styll, eatyng and drinking such thynges as they [shall set before you.] For the labourer is worthy of his rewarde. Go not from house to house 8 And into whatsoeuer citie ye enter, and they receaue you, eate such thynges as are set before you 9 And heale the sicke that are therin, and say vnto them, the kyngdome of God is come nye vpon you 10 But into whatsoeuer citie ye enter, & they receaue you not, go your ways out into the streates of the same, and saye 11 Euen the very dust of our citie, which cleaueth on vs, we do wype of agaynst you: Notwithstandyng, be ye sure of this, that the kyngdome of God was come nye vpon you 12 I say vnto you, that it shalbe easyer in that day for Sodome, then for that citie 13 Wo vnto thee Chorazin, wo vnto thee Bethsaida: For if the miracles had ben done in Tyre and Sidon, whiche haue ben done in you, they had a great whyle ago repented [of their sinnes] syttyng in sackecloth and asshes 14 Therfore it shalbe easyer for Tyre and Sidon at the iudgement, then for you 15 And thou Capernaum, which art exalted to heauen, shalt be thrust downe to hell 16 He that heareth you, heareth me, and he that despiseth you, despiseth me: and he that despiseth me, despiseth hym that sent me