Luke 20:10-14

Bishops(i) 10 And when the time was come, he sent a seruaunt to the husbande men, that they shoulde geue hym of the fruite of the vineyarde. And they beat hym, and sent hym away emptie 11 And agayne, he sent yet another seruaunt: and hym they did beate, and entreated hym shamefully, and sent hym away emptie 12 Agayne, he sent the thirde also: and hym they wounded, and cast hym out 13 Then said the Lord of the vineyarde: What shal I do? I wyl send my deare sonne, it may be they wyll reuerence hym, when they see hym 14 But when the husbande men sawe him, they reasoned within them selues, saying: This is the heyre, come, let vs kyll hym, that the inheritaunce may be ours