Judith 8

Bishops(i) 1 And it happened, when these wordes came to the eares of Iudith a widdowe, which was the daughter of Merari, the sonne of Idox, the sonne of Ioseph, the sonne of Osia, the sonne of Elai, the sonne of Iamnor, the sonne of Gedeon, the sonne of Raphaim, the sonne of Achitob, the sonne of Melchia, the sonne of Enan, the sonne of Nathania, the sonne of Salathiel, the sonne of Simeon, the sonne of Ruben: 2 And her husband was called Manasses, whiche dyed in the dayes of the barlye haruest. 3 For whyle he was binding the sheaues together in the fielde, the heate came vpon his head, and he died at Bethulia his citie, and there was he buried beside his fathers. 4 Nowe was Iudith his desolate wyddowe three yeres, and sixe monethes. 5 And in the higher partes of her house she made her selfe a priuie chamber, where she dwelt, beyng closed in with her maydens. 6 She ware a smocke of heere, and fasted al the dayes of her life, except the Sabbathes, and newe moones, and the solempne dayes that the people of Israel kept. 7 She was a very faire and beautiful person, her husbande also had left her great riches, a plenteous houshold, great vnmoueable possessions, & many cattell. 8 This Iudith was a woman of a very good report with euery one, for she feared the Lord greatly: and there was no body that spake an euyll worde of her. 9 When this Iudith hearde how Osias had promised the people that after the fift day he woulde geue vp the citie vnto the Assyrians, she sent for the elders, Chabri and Charmi. 10 And when they came to her, she sayde: What thing is this wherin Osias hath consented, that if God helpe not within fiue dayes he will geue ouer the citie to the Assyrians? 11 What are ye, that ye tempt the Lorde? 12 This deuice obtayneth no mercie of God: but prouoketh hym vnto wrath and displeasure. 13 Will ye set the mercie of the Lorde a time, and appoynt him a day after your will? 14 Neuerthelesse, for so much as the Lord is pacient, let vs rather repent in this, powring out teares, and beseching hym of grace. 15 For God threatneth not as a man, neither will he be prouoked vnto wrath as the children of men. 16 And therfore let vs heartyly fal downe before him, and serue hym with a meeke spirite, 17 And with weeping eyes say vnto the Lorde, that he deale with vs according to his owne wil speedyly in mercie: that like as our heart is nowe vexed and brought low through the pride of them, it may so be comforted through his grace: 18 In so much as we folowe not the sinnes of our fathers, which forsoke their God and worshipped other gods: 19 For the which sinne they perished with the sword, were spoyled, and brought to shame of al their enemies: As for vs, we knowe none other God but only hym. 20 For whose comfort let vs tary with meekenesse, and he shall require & make inquisition for our blood from the vexations of our enemies: he shall bring downe all the heathen that rise vp against vs, and put them to dishonour, euen the Lord our God. 21 Therefore deare brethren, seyng ye are the [honorable and] elders in the people of God, and their lyfe hangeth all vpon you, lift vp their heartes with your exhortation, that they may call to remembraunce howe our fathers also in times past were tempted, that they might be proued if they worshipped their God a right. 22 They ought to remember, howe our father Abraham beyng tempted, & tryed through many tribulations, was found a louer and friende of God. 23 So was Isahac, so was Iacob, so was Moyses: and all they that pleased God, passed stedfast in faith through manyfolde troubles. 24 Againe, they that receaued not these temptations with the feare of God, but put them selues foorth with vnpatiencie and murmuring against God, 25 Perished of the destroyer, and were slaine of serpentes. 26 And therefore shoulde not we vndertake to be auenged for the thinges that are done vnto vs: 27 But to consider that all these punishmentes are farre lesse then our sinnes and misdeedes, and beleeuing that this correction commeth vnto vs as to the seruauntes of God, for amendement, and not for our destruction. 28 Then saide Osias and the elders vnto Iudith: All that thou speakest is true, and no man can reproue thy wordes. 29 Pray thou for vs now therefore [vnto God,] for thou art an holy woman, and fearest God. 30 And Iudith saide vnto them: Seing ye know that my wordes are of God, 31 Then proue my counsell and deuice if it be of God: and beseche God that he wyll bryng my counsell to good ende. 32 [Thus haue I deuised] Ye shall stande this night before the porte, and I wyll go foorth with Abra my mayden: and pray ye therefore vnto God, that he wyll graciously remember his people of Israel within fiue dayes, as ye haue saide. 33 As for the thing that I go in hande withall, aske ye no questions of it: and tyll I bring you word againe of it, do ye nothing els but pray vnto the Lorde our God for me. 34 Then Osias the prince of the people of Iuda, saide vnto her: Go thy way in peace, the Lorde be with thee, that we may be auenged of our enemies. And so they went from her againe.