Isaiah 66:10-14

Bishops(i) 10 Reioyce with Hierusalem, and be glad with her all ye that loue her, be ioyfull with her all ye that mourne for her 11 For ye shall sucke comfort out of her breastes, and be satisfied: Ye shall taste, and haue delyte in the bryghtnesse of her glorie 12 For thus saith the Lorde: Beholde, I wyll let peace into her lyke a water fludde, and the glory of the heathen like a flowing streame: Then shall ye sucke, ye shalbe borne vpon her sydes, and be ioyfull vpon her knees 13 For lyke as a chylde is comforted of his mother: so shall I comfort you, and ye shalbe comforted in Hierusalem 14 And when ye see this, your heart shall reioyce, and your bones shall florishe lyke an hearbe: Thus shall the hande of the Lorde be knowen among his seruauntes, and his indignation among his enemies