Genesis 41:8-15

Bishops(i) 8 And when the mornyng came, his spirite was troubled, and he sent and called for all the southsayers of Egypt, and all the wyse men thereof: and Pharao tolde them his dreame, but there was none of them that coulde interprete it vnto Pharao 9 The spake the chiefe butler vnto Pharao, saying: I do remember my faultes this day 10 Pharao beyng angry with his seruauntes, put in warde in the chiefe stewardes house both me, and the chiefe baker 11 And we dreamed both of vs in one nyght, and eche mans dreame of a sundry interpretation 12 And there was with vs a young man, an Hebrue borne, seruaunt vnto the chiefe stewarde: to whom when we tolde them, he declared our dreames to vs, accordyng to eyther of our dreames 13 And as he declared them to vs, euen so it came to passe: For he restored me to myne office agayne, and hanged hym 14 Pharao sent therfore and called Ioseph: and they brought him hastyly out of the dungeon. And he shaued himselfe and chaunged his rayment, and came vnto Pharao 15 And Pharao sayde vnto Ioseph: I haue dreamed a dreame, & no man can interprete it: & I haue heard say of thee that assoone as thou hearest a dreame, thou canst interprete it