Deuteronomy 5:1-10

Bishops(i) 1 And Moyses called all Israel, and sayde vnto them: Heare O Israel the ordinauces and lawes which I speake in your eares this day, that ye may learne them, and fulfill them in deede 2 The Lord our God made a couenaunt with vs in Horeb 3 The Lorde made not this couenaunt with our fathers, but with vs: euen with vs, which are all here alyue this day 4 The Lorde talked with you face to face in the mount, out of the middes of the fire 5 And I stoode betweene the Lorde and you the same tyme, and shewed you the worde of the Lord: For ye were afrayde at the sight of the fire, and went not vp into the mount, and he sayde 6 I am the Lorde thy God, which brought thee out of the lande of Egypt, from the house of bondage 7 Thou shalt haue none other Gods in my presence 8 Thou shalt make thee no grauen image, or any likenesse of that which is in heauen aboue, and that is in earth beneath, and that is in the waters beneath the earth 9 Thou shalt neither bowe thy selfe vnto them, nor serue them: for I the Lord thy God, am a ielouse God, visityng the wickednesse of the fathers vpon the children, euen vnto the third and fourth generation among them that hate me 10 And shewe mercie vpon thousandes, among them that loue me, and kepe my commaundementes