1 Corinthians 9:9-14

Bishops(i) 9 For it is written in the law of Moyses: Thou shalt not moosell the mouth of the Oxe that treadeth out the corne. Doth God take care for Oxen 10 Either sayth he it not altogether for our sakes? For our sakes no doubt this is written, that he which eareth, should eare in hope: & that he which tressheth in hope, should be partaker of his hope 11 If we haue sowen vnto you spirituall thinges, is it a great thing if we reape your carnall thinges 12 If others be partakers of [this] power [wherfore are] not we rather? Neuerthelesse, we haue not vsed this power: but suffer all thinges, lest we shoulde hinder the Gospel of Christ 13 Do ye not knowe that they which minister about holy thynges, eate of the thinges of the temple? And they whiche wayte at the aulter, are partakers with the aulter 14 Euen so hath the Lord ordayned, that they which preache the Gospell, shoulde lyue of the Gospell